Top 10 Popular Muslim Baby Girls Names:

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When people think of Muslim baby girls names, they often associate these beautiful names with the name Khadija. While this is one of the most popular Muslim baby girls names, there are many other interesting and beautiful baby girls names that can be named. These will not only sound very distinctive but also give your child a unique and interesting name.

The first name that comes to mind when it comes to popular Muslim baby girls names with beautiful meaning is Nisreen. While this name has not been around for very long, it is still an impressive name that is perfectly suited for a girl. Nisreen is so unique because it is not only short but it has beautiful and very meaningful meanings attached to it. These meanings could include: well of the earth, creator of the heavens and earth, the heavenly mother, giver of life, divine presence, and creator of life.

Nisreen also has a beautiful history attached to it. She was born in the year 635 and she was one of the seven daughters of Muhammad bin Ismail and Asma bint al-Fihri. Nisreen's name means 'friend of God'. The name of the woman itself has always been a common name but Nisreen's particular name became more well known when it was found that Muhammad was a great religious leader and preacher. All Muslims regard this as a sign of honor and respect and Nisreen is still a very popular name today.

Shalini means 'faith' and this name has become popular in recent years and is also a very good name for girls. Shalini is also a name that has some deep meaning, as it means 'to lay down for God'to trust'. Shalini is a name that has remained popular among the Muslims over the years and is still quite popular today.

Farida means 'throne' and this is one of the most beautiful girl names that people can come up with. This name is extremely unique and it also has a beautiful religious history attached to it. Farida was the wife of the Prophet Muhammad and she is also regarded as one of the holiest names in Islam.

Sinan means 'light' and this name has a beautiful history. The name Sinan is from a local Quranic phrase 'Sinan khair'. Sinan is a very beautiful name that gives children a sense of peace and tranquility. It is very unique and this name can be used by both boys and girls. Many parents choose this name for their girls as it is very much in line with Muslim beliefs.

Another name that is becoming popular is Hala which means 'maiden' and it also has beautiful religious history attached to it. Hala means 'God's word' and it also means 'indeed', which is what the Prophet Muhammad said during his last sermon before he died. Hala is also a popular name that is suitable for girls as it is very much in line with the cultural beliefs of the Muslim community.

These are some of the most popular Muslim baby girls names that are popular today. The names that are not so popular tend to have meanings that are related to religious and spiritual beliefs, meaning that they are more useful than popular names such as Khadija and Nisreen. There are many Muslim baby girls names that you can choose from and they can be easily found on the Internet.

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